Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Life's Little Medical Surprises

Quite the week!
Hello everyone!! 
Oh, how weeks fly by I cannot believe we are already sneaking into August! 

This week has been quite the interesting one. Our mission has been pushing hard this month to be a month of miracles. Every missionary is working diligently to see miracles and we are all doing whatever it takes. Our baptismal goal is 103 baptisms this month. That goal is double any other month I have ever had on my mission! So we are definitely in need of those miracles. 

I have been struggling a little with some back issues which have kept me bed bound quite a bit. HOWEVER, that does not stop the work! The times we did get out we saw many mighty miracles.

We were able to put one of our investigators named Jean on date this week for baptism! She is loving learning about the church and is progressing very quickly. Jean and Linda plan on making us a Chinese dinner this week! They are so kind to us.

The biggest miracle came later this week. We met with Linda on Friday and we were very clear on the importance of baptism and the fact she needed to do it. We read 3 Nephi 11 and asked some important questions.
"Linda, do you believe God exists?" "
Yes, I know he does.
"Ok, do you know our church to be God's one and only true church?"
"Yes, I know this is the true Church."
"Do you believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God?"
"Yes, from reading it, it has testified of the truthfulness to me." 
"Therefore you know that you must be baptized in order to be saved, it teaches us this in the BOM". 
We then invited her to be baptized and these were her hang-ups. 
1. I want to fully read the BOM before I am baptized. Which I promptly countered with Alma 32:16

"Therefore, blessed are they who humble themselves without being compelled to be humble; or rather, in other words, blessed is he that believeth in the word of God, and is baptized without stubbornness of heart, yea, without being brought to know the word, or even compelled to know, before they will believe."

She chuckled and said, "I asked my husband and he said he wouldn't like it if I was baptized." So we ended the lesson by committing her to invite her husband to take the lessons. 

So here is when the miracle kicks in. Saturday (day after that lesson). We go walk around for like 5 mins because of my back. We see one Chinese man outside and start talking to him. He said, "My wife goes to your English class!" We figured out his wife was Linda!!! I had never met him before and had just invited Linda to invite him to take the lessons! He was very interested in our message and taught him right there. He expressed how he wants to know God and we gave him a Book of Mormon and taught him how to pray! What an amazing miracle, we plan to start teaching them as a family from now on!

I have a full testimony the Lord knows of our needs and blesses us according to our obedience.

We just got back from the temple about 30 mins ago and it was my last trip!!! Super weird how time flies, but it was so amazing. We only go every 6 months as missionaries so when we get to go the peace is so refreshing.

Thank you for all the love that has been sent my way! Have a great week everyone.  
Elder Nelson 孙长老

Last Temple Trip

When Ben wrote us he said this, "I prayed very hard in the temple today about my future as a missionary. I didn't receive anything directly other than peace. Which tells me, whatever happens, I know the Lord is at the helm."
My son's strength and trust in God is such an example to me. It is never easy to be in pain but to have to work non-stop while hurting is a whole other thing. I am anxious to hear how things are going with him next week. He is supposed to get an MRI and we will see where that leads. To know that HE knows where my son is and through the Atonement can succor him is a small comfort for this mommas heart who is so far away. 

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