Monday, August 20, 2018

21 Months!

I cannot believe I am now at 21 months! It is weird to think how far I have come in my mission. It feels like I also have a long way to go. I have been very motivated to improve with the time I have left! 

Update on my back:
I got my MRI and it came back normal, which is a HUGE blessing. I will now be going into physical therapy and hope that I will be on the turn around from now on! I have felt a lot better with the medicine I am currently taking and I know the Lord wants me healthy again! 

This week was a little bit slower with all the medical craziness that has filled the week but still had some cool things happen.

First off is my trainer Elder Zeng came to visit me again. We went to get some Chinese food (obviously). It is so weird to go from training where I couldn't even talk to him at all to now speaking NO ENGLISH! I am so grateful for the Gift of tongues and the blessing to be able to learn this language. It was good to see an old friend again and great to catch up with him! 

Jean-one of our current investigators- made us lunch on Friday! She is super awesome and is progressing very fast. As we ate we answered all of her Book of Mormon reading questions! She has been working really hard to receive an answer to her prayers! 

We also met with Linda who has been reading very diligently too. We talked about the importance of Eternal families and helped make some goals for her to accomplish that. We hope that she will be baptized very soon.

Many more miracles on the way to come. We have been able to talk to a lot of Chinese people when I can get out. I accidentally contacted a couple yesterday and asked the wife if her husband was her son.... Awkward! He didn't like that too much. But he was maybe 4'3 and his wife was about a foot taller than him. It still ended up being a good contact, got to have a few of those on your mission haha.

Love all of you! 
Elder Nelson 孙长老

Ben with his trainer and friend Elder Zeng

Jean made food for Ben, Elder Johnson, and 
Elder Lai...YUM!😋

We sent Ben a new recorder because his old one was stolen. He hesitated to even open the package with the possibility of him coming home was still being decided. But, GOOD NEWS....He's staying! He is so happy to be out there and continuing the work! 
This has been an incredible example of the Lord knows you and what you need. Benjamin was scheduled for an MRI that would take place 5 weeks from now and he went into the MP and expressed how the pain was just too much and to see what they could do about getting one sooner. There is a Mission Nurse who had taken Ben under her wing and called around looking for anywhere that would take Ben earlier. She eventually found a place, but it was an hour away. No worries, the Elders all hopped in the car and off they went. Ben received the MRI and actually was able to get the results 45 min later!😮 WOW! That never happens. They were able to get Ben the medicine he needed and schedule him with a Physical Therapist to help get him back on the road to recovery. What a blessing it has been to listen to his testimony grow of the power of FAITH and watching Miracles happen right before your eyes. 
My favorite thing to hear from Ben this week was even though he is discouraged about his back and health he has taken this rest time to improve his characters and practice his Chinese. It makes me so proud to hear him trying to take something that could be discouraging and turn into something positive. 
This week Ben also found out that one of his Best Friends, JD has Leukemia. Ben and JD have been friends since 9th grade and have a very close and special friendship. He is not a member of our faith but has been one of the most supportive people in his life and all throughout his mission. I can't wait for these 2 to be reunited when he returns and I have the opportunity to continue to watch their friendship. 💗
Ben and JD...Friends for life

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