Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Preston Is His Person

Everyone has their "PERSON". The one you lean on in a crisis, the first one you want to tell your good news to, the one you call at 2:00 am and with no questions asked rush over right away. Preston Bowden is Ben's person. These 2 met when they were 3 years old and have shared EVERY aspect of their lives together. The triumphants, the failures, the fun times, the heartaches, puberty, dating, friendship struggles, decision making, loss of loved ones, future planning and now separation from each other to serve the Lord. 
The story of this picture brings me to tears every time I see it. Ben left for the Provo MTC on Nov. 16th 2016 to prepare to serving in the Riverside California Mission. He was going to be in there learning Chinese for 9 weeks. Preston was leaving for the Mexico MTC on Jan. 17th, 2017 to prepare to serve in the Mexico City Mission. We received a letter explaining that Ben would be departing to California on Nov. 17th 2017. We weren't sure at what time he was leaving but when we found out he was flying out at 8:00 am we were so excited. Preston was flying out at around 10:00 am. Having to fly International meant Preston needed to be there at least 2 hours early and with the SLC airport being under construction the International gates were shut down and moved closer to the Domestic flight gates-THEY MAY HAVE A CHANCE TO SEE ONE ANOTHER! I was so excited at the thought of these 2 maybe getting the chance to see each other one more time, have one last hug, offer each other one more smile of support and advice as they separate for 2 years. 
I texted Preston on his mothers (Karen) phone the information of Ben's flight and he said he was going to do everything he could to find him. When Preston said his final goodbyes to his family he headed off to check in and hopefully find Ben. All we could do now was wait. I was so anxious to hear if they found each other. I hadn't heard anything.
I went to see my friend (Karen) that evening to check on her knowing how hard it is to send your baby off on a mission. As we were talking about the events of that day she told me that it was getting closer and closer to Ben's departure time. He still had the phone and she hadn't heard anything from him yet and figured they were not able to find each other. Then all of a sudden her phone dings and the words, "FOUND HIM" show up. As I read those words on her phone my eyes welled up with tears. Those 2 words have recently brought more comfort to me than they ever have before. Not just because he found his friend and was able to share one more laugh, words of advice and support, but because I picture him silently saying those words to his Father in Heaven every time he "finds" one of His children and is able to share the gospel with them and bring them to the waters of baptism. 
These 2 finding each other at the last minute was not luck. It was a tender mercy from our Father in Heaven, for 2 of his young disciples to remember that He is always looking out for them and to show them how much He cares about them.
We always tell our children, "You are only as good as your worst friend." Ben has surrounded himself with GREAT friends. I cannot begin to express the gratitude I feel for this friendship and all the other friends that have influenced, supported and played a role in getting Ben where he is now.  

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