I am one 😊HAPPY😊 Mama! I finally heard from my handsome boy! I
❤ that the first thing he mentions is how sorry he is that the email was not on Monday and how much I must've been FREAKING OUT! Yep...he knows me all to well.
No recording this week with it being crazy, but I will take the written email for sure!
From Ben:
你好(Ni hao)家庭 Family!
OK, I don't even know where to start with this week of craziness!
Right when we arrived we got off the plane in California and immediately had to say goodbye to Elder White and Elder Gilbert, it was very sad... but I know they're going to be doing great things out on their missions! We were then shuffled off and they took us to the church for training. I met my new Mission President, Mullen. He is stern but also very loving. After all the training and meeting a couple of APs we had dinner and left to meet our new companions. The first companion I received was Elder Zeng. He is from China and completely fluent in Chinese. We get along great but he only has 1 month left here on his mission. The next day after moving into our pretty ghetto apartment, we went "seeking with faith" aka...contacting. I realized very quickly I have NO IDEA what the Chinese language is. I've never heard people talk that fast in my entire life! LOL So... my comp pretty much does about 95% of the talking for me and I am slowly speaking a little more and improving everyday.
As the week went on we started advertising for English Classes to the students from China in hopes to help them with their schooling. We've been talking to some of them back and forth and we hope to finally teach a class and maybe get some investigators!
Yesterday I got a 2nd companion, Elder Willes so now were in a trio. (He's the guy from the blog). We went "seeking with faith" last night and it went super well. We have multiple potentials to call and we are very excited. Elder Willes Chinese is actually out of control good! I'm super jealous and hope to get there soon, with faith I know I will. LOL.
My area consists of only the campus (UCR) so we only talk to college kids. They love to hear me talk. They are in AWE at the white kids that know Chinese LOL. So that has ended up being our leverage factor as of late.
I am super excited and I have never been this tired or poor in my life. I can't wait to tell you more about this crazy adventure! Talk to you soon.