Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Support I Never Knew I Needed

I have a friend on FB that had a missionary out. Hers was coming home about the same time mine was leaving and I was so jealous! I told her I envied her and she responded with, "I have suffered long enough." OK fair enough. While we are all excited for our kids to be out serving the Lord, there is a bit of an absence and hole that only they can fill. I get it. 
I opened my FB one day and noticed she had put me in this "Missionary Mommas" Group. Not sure what it was, the title is pretty self explanatory though, so I clicked on it.  I'm pretty sure the next 2 hours were spent reading, laughing, crying and having tons of "AH HA" moments with these ladies on this page. I had found some much needed support I wasn't even aware I was missing. 
I went on the page one day and was scrolling when I came across a post from a Mom about packages and how many to send, what was appropriate. I didn't even notice the name and I rarely post comments but she said her son was in the Riverside California Mission. That's where Ben is so maybe they knew each other. What transpired next was the highlight of  my week. Here's what happened:
My son just entered the mission field last Tuesday (17th) in Riverside CA! This is so exciting! I LOVE sending packages and sent a lot in the MTC. He was there for 9 weeks learning Mandarin. I ALWAYS send 2 of everything- 1 for him and of course the other for his comp. I did send a lot of packages to his District too, but that was because there were only a few of them. I think you need to do whatever YOU feel is appropriate. You know your son and if it will lift his spirits (like my son said it does for him) then DO IT! Just ALWAYS include his companion(s) so there is no animosity-Just my thoughts. Hope to see you on here more! I guarantee our boys will know each other! Good luck!
Your son was probably in my sons district!! He just got to Riverside on the 17th as well, and is speaking Mandarin! I know he wasn't my sons companion, but he had to be in the same district. My son is Tyson Crowther, the super quiet, reserved missionary that hardly smiles in all their district pictures.
Wait, he was my sons companion!!! Is this your son??
OH.MY.GOSH! That is my son! This is so crazy! My son is the crazy, prank pulling, so full of energy kid. I am so happy to connect with you on here. My son told me he loved having your son as his companion. He said, "Mom, we are so opposite but we compliment each other completely." So...yep, if your son told you, I'm that Mom that sent a ton of packages and matching Chinese shirts for them to wear at Christmas! LOL How are you holding up?
We ended up going back and forth exchanging stories of our boys and how they were doing. I cannot tell you how many "Tender Mercies" I have been shown in this last week in such unexpected ways. I am so thankful to have a loving Heavenly Father that knows me and just what I need to help me try to navigate through having my son gone.

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