Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Me Worried...NEVER

Every Missionary Mom knows what P-day means. It's the anticipation the night before of getting to hear from your son. It's scheduling your whole day completely around the possible email time. It's the butterflies and excitement to hear how he is doing and participate afar in the adventures he is having. So when your sons P-day comes and the hours are getting later and later and your fingers are sore from CONSTANTLY refreshing your email page as to not miss anything and there is still NO WORD, you start to get a little anxious, or in my case irritable (or so my family claims). LOL
I sent Ben an email asking if he was OK. Not sure what I was expecting in return, but it made me feel better to reach out. My husband sent Ben an email that said, "Son, I really need you to email your mother. She is starting to take chunks out of all of us and I fear she may punch the baby." LOL He was kidding of course, he's funny like that, but he was just trying to convey how much I needed to hear from him and know he was OK. 
The day came and went. I jumped on FB before bed in search of an inspirational story from some other missionary moms hoping to lift my spirits. I am scrolling when I see a post from a mom who's son is in Riverside. It said, "Did anyone else not receive an email today? My son is in the Riverside California Mission." I was thrilled! Not that she didn't get an email, but because she like me, didn't get an email. That meant something else was going on besides the worried movie I was playing in my head. Numerous responses came in with reasons as to maybe why we hadn't heard anything. I took comfort in those words and told myself, "I guess we will hear from him next week". 
This was hard for me because I felt the same way I did when we dropped him off at the MTC and waited for the first few weeks of emails to gauge how he was adjusting.  I had gotten comfortable with Ben's schedule in the MTC. Eventually I knew who all his companions were, I knew how he was feeling and how things were going. Now being out in his mission with a new President, new companion, new area, new language (with people who that is their native language), so much change in such a small amount of time, I just needed to hear he was OK. But, instead I get to perfect the lesson of patience and just have to wait. Here's hoping we hear soon.  

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