Saturday, January 14, 2017

Extra "Vitamin B" Time

From Ben:
To start off, our last lesson with our investigators, Zhangwei: she is our native speaking teacher and I love her so much. We actually said goodbye to her this morning and it was just a huge crying fest which was super rough. We taught her last night and we were planning on teaching Fasting and the Importance of Baptism/ inviting her to be baptized. The lesson starts and we begin to teach we get her friend to commit to go to church! (These are all role play; not really happening). We followed up on the 3rd lesson and said, "How is your friend doing? Will we be able to teach her soon?" Out of no where she said, "YES YOU CAN!" Then she walked out of the room and came back in with her friend. All of a sudden IT WAS REAL! Me and my companion freaked out!! We thought we were still role playing and it wouldn't be a real thing, but then she brought in her actual friend for us to teach her! Me and my comp had not prepped AT ALL for this event, so we went along with the lesson and let the Holy Ghost take over.
We got to know him as best we could and his religious background. He had no faith in God, basically an Atheist but he was willing to learn. We started off building his faith and talking to him about how God is our Heavenly Father. He believed us so we continued on with the lesson. I asked him,
"Do you believe our Heavenly Father loves you?" He said, "I don't think so." I was prompted to say, "Do you believe your Father loves you?" He responded, "Yes I do! He loves me very much." I then asked, "Why do you think our Heavenly Father would be any different?" He said, "I don't know." I said, "We're His children. He knows all of us individually and wants whats best for us. He cheers for us when we succeed and cries along side us when we are going through trials. Just like any Dad would do for us, He loves you and cares for you." At this point he was balling and began to see the importance of our Father in Heaven. We shared our testimonies of the love of God and invited ZhangWei to baptism!
All and all the BEST lesson I've had here at the MTC and my last.😢 Ye Laoshi grabbed me after and thanked me for my efforts and my faith! We had an amazing last class with her today and I will miss her love and excitement for all of us!
Elder Nelson

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