Friday, January 6, 2017

新年快樂 Happy New Year and Cheerio Elder Gerrard

8th Week
你好 (Ni Hao)
I can not believe how fast time is going by, it is actually insane!  We only have one week left in the MTC- isn't that crazy!?!

This week has been another sad and exciting week! We had to say goodbye to another District which was hard since they have been with us for the past 8 weeks. But I'm excited for them and they're going to do great in Hong Kong!!
Ben and Elder Gerard became really close in the MTC and he expressed how hard it is to say good bye to someone who you have shared 8 weeks with day in and day out. Elder Gerard lives in England, so the odds of them connecting again (in person) are slim. I truly hope someday that he can see his buddy again.

From Ben:
My Chinese is doing super well and I'm so excited to get out into the field and really begin teaching. We've taught some pretty hard lessons this week which have ended up being our best since we have gotten here! I know If I teach through the spirit I can do some amazing things!

New Years was a blast! We spent the night having tons of parties and Nerf Wars. At one point we all took hot sauce and were silly stringing all over in the hallways. It was way FUN! I hope you all had a very fun New years and I hope you are able to set some great goals for the year!
I hope you have a great week and I can't wait to hear from you all soon!
In Ben's recording he mentions how awkward it is to teach the Chastity lesson in Chinese. LOL I was dying at listening to him try to explain how that went. My favorite part: "I barley know the sexual terms in English let alone Chinese! I'm sure I said some inappropriate things while teaching. That was a lesson that the gift of tongues is real and you definitely have to have faith and rely on the Lord in those situations." LOL😂
Elder Nelson
Another thing he talked about was his surprise at how much he LOVES the BOM. Ben read the BOM all the way through at a young age, but probably doesn't remember most of it. He talks about being a little older and able to understand more, so he is OBSESSED with it's teachings. For example he stayed up the other night reading 27 chapters of 2 Nephi. He could not stop reading. He talks about having to "pound through" Isaiah which is funny and true. But he knows the BOM is going to bring him a lot of help and answers not only learning this language but on his mission. I am so happy that he has found a love for that book. I know not all of us are at that point (me included) and we read it because we know we should, but he is such an example of praying for understanding about something and receiving it. 
On the not so fun side-Ben is having to have double foot surgery. He has VERY infected ingrown toenails, which is gross and sad at the same time-dang genetics! He's not sure how long he'll be laid up, hopefully right back on his feet soon. He may need his Mother to come and take care of him!😏
They had the opportunity to have the General Young Womens President come and speak to them which he really enjoyed. She had 6 kids serve missions and they shared some advice with them. The one thing that really resonated with Ben was a story of her son serving in Japan. When they were street contacting they were told to talk to everyone they possibly can. They ran across a man who was dirty, smelled bad and had a brown bag with probably some alcohol in it. His initial thought was, "oh great, this guy is probably drunk", but they went over to talk to him and found him to be one of the nicest men they had encountered. This man was expressing his gratitude to them for coming to talk to him. His wife called while they were mid conversation and told him she was worried about him and he needed to get home to have nightly family time. This man thanked them again for stopping to speak with him and pulled out 2 ice creams from the brown bag. He said, "These were for me and my wife, but I want you to have them." They ended up baptizing this man and his whole family. It just goes to show-YOU CANNOT JUDGE PEOPLE! We are all the same, God's children. 
If Ben had a theme going for his mission so far I would say it is this principle. DO NOT JUDGE! He really wants to perfect this on his mission and to look at the BEST in people and see them how God sees them. Man I ♥♥♥ this boy of mine!

New Years Fun

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