Monday, June 4, 2018

Avoiding INFINITY WARS Spoilers

Hey Everyone!! Its been a SUPER hot week out here in Riverside, however, we are still working hard to find the Elect!!
We have been working with some amazing people and are excited to see them progressing. 
The first one I would like to talk about is Miranda. We have been teaching her for about 3 weeks now. She is so humble and very willing to learn. We picked up her friend Ellie on Friday and they both are very interested in our message. We emphasized the importance of The Book of Mormon and how it can bless their lives. It was a very spiritual lesson and we hope to continue to meet with them! Miranda came to church on Sunday and had a fantastic experience!

Second would be Linda, we have been working with her for a bit now. She is progressing very well. We realized it had been a very long time since we had taught the Restoration, so we decided it would be a good review. When she came into the lesson we noticed she had been crying quite a bit. Not digging into it too much we began the lesson. We got to the family portion of the Restoration and I was prompted very clearly with the following: "She is crying because she just got in a fight with her husband, testify of how this can repair family relationships". I began to talk about how families are not perfect. However, we know the Gospel can mend any family problem and grow those relationships into something better. She immediately focused in and asked how? We explained that the Book of Mormon could answer the questions of the soul and help her receive revelation on her behalf. She was very intrigued as our member named Gracie, who was just recently baptized, testified of how the Book of Mormon can help her families relationship. It was a very powerful lesson and we are so grateful the Spirit was there to help us to teach people not lessons.

The last thing, it's a new transfer and I am staying in Riverside! Elder Maxwell is going English and I will be training our new Chinese missionary, Elder Lai. He is from Taiwan and knows very little English. I am very excited about this new adventure.
Have a great week guys LOVE YA!!
Elder Nelson 孙长老
A random pic that Elder Johnson took

Ben got a new surprise with transfers this week. The entire Zone thought that he would be called as an AP, which he did not want to do because it means he has to go English. Of course Ben would do whatever he was asked, but Chinese is a HARD language to learn and he wants to make sure that he can stay on top of it. Instead of that happening, they were surprised with him being called as a Trainer again and being placed with a companion from Taiwan. The great thing about this is Ben will be able to speak and continue to learn the language better with Elder Lai being that it is his native language. His English is not very good, so the 2 of them working together they should be able to help each other out. 

I think my FAVORITE thing about this weeks email is that Ben said his main focus lately has been to NOT FIND OUT WHO DIES IN INFINITY WARS! LOL😂 Not sure he can avoid that being in one of the MOVIE CAPITOLS of America. 😏

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