Monday, September 17, 2018

Be Vewy Vewy Quiet

22 Months Later...

Hello everyone! 
This week was another miracle filled week! I hit my 22 months this week which hasn't really registered with me yet haha. I hope my Chinese can catch up to the time frame I have been out now haha. 
We met with some great people this week and saw many amazing things happen.
We have been going to great lengths to talk with everyone and let them know of the Restored Gospel. Therefore the Lord has blessed us immensely because of it. 
One person I would like to focus on goes by the name of Fiona, we found her on WeChat. She gave me a call and talked for a long time about how she has been arguing with her husband. She sighed and said, "I just want peace". We met with her and testified heavily of Christ's Atonement. She loved every part of it. I asked her a question: "Fiona who do you turn to when you want to find peace?" 
She said, " I usually call my friends and vent to them, but they don't fully know my situation". I said "Now just think that your Savior suffered ALL things, He knows ALL of your struggles, pains, sins, etc. We can turn to Him and He can heal us, He can change us, and repair us." The spirit was very strong, it hit right home. We invited her to baptism and she took a date with no hesitation. We are excited for her and her future progress.
We went to a retirement center this week and I made some good friends. I played Yahtzee with an elderly woman name Margret for 2 hours haha. I have never heard a more colorful mouth in my life, haha, she is a fireball who has grown up in New York her whole life. I took a picture with her and she was trying to "fake" kiss me on the cheek haha.
I love the work and I don't want it to end anytime soon. Love all of you!
Elder Nelson 孙长老
A huge cup of fruit, from a fruit cart that I have been trying to buy my whole mission. They finally decided to open another day than Sunday! Our HUGE English Class, 
Margaret trying to kiss me haha😆
Tag Pic: Huge Squid at this Chinese Market we go to

This week Ben met a woman named Matza who they have started giving the lessons to, so we are excited to hear more about her. 
The boys are in a trio which Ben says can be really scary and intimidating for the cute little Chinese women when they start walking up to them to go talk to them. They were out in the evening and noticed this Chinese woman walking with her mom. They started trying to catch up to them and they kept looking back almost wondering if the Elders were going to mug them, lol but they caught up to them and Ben quickly diffused the situation and put her at ease when he started speaking Chinese. I think all worry goes out the window and they all start wondering how this white kid knows their language so well. Her name was Ja Ching and Ben said she has the cutest little 4 yr, old girl. They tried to talk to her for a bit about the gospel, but the little girl doesn't know English yet so she just talked their ears off. LOL😁 They are hoping that they can meet with her again because she seemed interested. 
This week at church was in Ben's words...FANTASTIC which you always love to hear! They had brought a new investigator with them named Sissy. They also had all of their converts there in Gospel Principles. The teacher, Lily Jung asked, "What are your experiences since you have been baptized. What have you seen with the Holy Ghost and how you have come to know these things are true." Ben is looking around at all these people he has baptized and thinking, "WOW, I have been with you since day one, and you..." It was a really neat experience for him to be hearing them testify of the gospel and knowing he was able to be there since the beginning.  
Of course, he took a moment to talk about how close he is to coming home, yet he feels like he could stay out there forever. He is loving the work, he and Elder Crowther are doing great and getting along amazing and of course, Ben is always working on his Chinese, LOL😂  

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